As a real estate agent, your ability to attract and retain clients is crucial to your success. One of the most effective ways to do this is by hosting client appreciation events. But not just any old event will do—you need to make sure that your event is one that your clients will actually enjoy and appreciate. Here are a few tips on how to throw a client appreciation event that’s worth their while.
1. Keep It Small and Intimate
While it may be tempting to invite as many people as possible, it’s important to keep your event intimate. A small gathering will allow you to get to know each of your clients better, which will in turn make them feel appreciated. And when they feel appreciated, they’re more likely to give you their business again (and referrals) in the future.
2. Make It Something They’ll Actually Enjoy
When you’re planning your event, make sure to choose an activity that your clients will actually enjoy. A wine tasting or cooking class are always good options, but you can also get creative and come up with something unique that fits your brand. The important thing is that you make sure it’s something they’ll want to do.
3. Give Them a Gift They’ll Use
Sending your clients home with something pointless is not going to endear them to you—in fact, it might even do the opposite. Instead of giving them something they’ll never use, give them a gift that they’ll actually find useful, like a nice bottle of wine or a gift certificate to a local restaurant. Your clients will be much more likely to remember your event (and you) if they receive a quality gift that they can and will use.
If you want to throw a client appreciation event that’s actually worthwhile, keep it small and intimate, make sure it’s something your clients will enjoy, and give them a gift they’ll use. By following these tips, you can ensure that your event is one that your clients will remember—and one that will help you attract and retain new business for years to come. Always leave your clients with contact information that they can use or pass along to someone for referrals. Consider laying out some business cards for them to grab during the event or hand it to them with their token of appreciation. Contact us today to get professional and branded business cards, postcards and more!