Partners for Success

Nov 3, 2017 | Blog

Partners for Success

Nov 3, 2017

Throughout your time as a Realtor you’ll be spending a great deal of time and energy working with fellow professionals; whether they be other Realtors, photographers, accountants, etc.. Each of these professionals will help you when selling a home, or when a client is looking to buy. This is why it is important to establish concrete professional relationships with the people working in the real estate industry. In order to help you find the best partners for success, follow along.

What are your values, objectives and goals?

When looking to develop a power team for success it is important to establish your values as an agent. As you’ll want to work with people similar to you, or at least with whom you get along with, you will need to know what to look for.

It is equally important to establish goals and objectives. Although these will change from profession to profession, it is important to know that your potential partner is setting out to achieve something; hopefully similar to you.

Lastly it is important to understand the work ethic of a potential partner, as well as establish your own. Although real estate may be your full-time profession, being a home-stager may be part-time for someone else. Ensure that you find professionals who schedules and work ethics work well with you.

Where do you meet them?

Knowing what to look for is one thing, but actually finding them is another. Know that you’ll need to devote time in finding professionals that you work well with. A great start is by going to networking events, as this is a great way to get to know people working in your area that are part of various professions.


Finding partners for success could be challenging depending on what you’re looking for, but remember that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Partnering up for success is a great way to get referrals, as well as give them. Knowing a home-stager could help you find more clients and vice verse. When everyone specializes in one thing then everyone will be getting the best result from each service.

Who should I partner with?

Although there are many professions related to real estate that you can benefit from partnering with, here is a brief list of some of the top people you should establish a relationship with.

  • Home-stager: with all the clutter and unique tastes in decorating these days it can be beneficial to partner up with a home-stager; someone who can easily help you upgrade a home that is otherwise unappealing to potential buyers.
  • Photographer: you’ll need a photographer to market every single listing, so establishing a relationship with one, whose style you like, can be a huge benefit.
  • Marketing Team: balancing your current clients, potential clients, and future clients can be a difficult task. Having a marketing team working for you, that handles all your print and digital advertising, can help you save time and energy in finding new clients.
  • Inspector: as most clients will want an inspector to view their potential investment, as they should, it is important to have someone to refer them to. Knowing a few can easily help you save time, while keeping your clients happy.
  • Contractors: depending on the home your client is buying, or selling, there may be some work that needs to be done. Having someone that can meet with your clients and discuss options will help keep your clients interested and eager to work with you.
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