Showcasing Your Real Estate Listings With Video!

Mar 18, 2018 | Blog

Showcasing Your Real Estate Listings With Video!

Mar 18, 2018

As part of your marketing plan for your listings, are you doing video? You should defiantly step your listings up to the next level by incorporating videos. Accordingly to Google and Cisco, 85% of the worlds traffic online will be video by 2019. Showcase the house, the layout and how it feels to walk through it. Make potential buyers dream of living there, make them also enjoy the house, make them want to move in and put in an offer. Video isn’t a request anymore its a mandatory requirement. If you want to win listings just get videos and advertise that you are doing them.

Boost Your Productivity: Essential Resources for Busy Realtors

Boost Your Productivity: Essential Resources for Busy Realtors

As a busy realtor, it's crucial to maximize your productivity and stay organized to effectively manage your clients, properties, and transactions. Here are some essential resources that can help boost your productivity: Real Estate Podcasts and Blogs Subscribe to...

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